Technological expertise
Wireless networks
4G/5G mobile networks
- Mobile operator networks
- Private networks
- Coverage extension in confined spaces
Wi-Fi networks
LPWAN networks : LoRa and Sigfox
Wired networks
Short- and long-distance fibre optic network
- Buildings (fibre and IT cabling)
- Multi-service networks
IT infrastructure
- Data Centre
- Edge computing
- Cybersécurité
A network embedded into the industrial operations of our customers
MPNs (Mobile Private Networks) as the basis for a multitude of functions
LD specialist in building telecom network infrastructures
New buildings now comply with HQE (High Environmental Quality) certifications, which block the signals of relay antennas installed outdoors.
Additionally, office occupants need connectivity, especially when they’re on the move.
Implementing a dedicated indoor connectivity solution within buildings is becoming a must, both in terms employee productivity as well as comfort.